Valentine's Day Factfile

10 amazing "facts" about Valentine's Day.

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Issue number 10
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  1. The tradition of sending Valentine's Day cards is in remembrance of St Valentine's practice of sending anonymous letters to the women of his town. He was lynched when the postman caught him stuffing hundreds of letters into the postbox.

  2. The date 14th February was chosen as the birthday of St Valentine by his parents.

  3. There are in fact two St Valentines, but don't let the greetings card manufacturers find out.

  4. It's the thought that counts. Just be sure to have very large and expensive thoughts.

  5. When she says "We'll not bother this year." she is using the royal "we".

  6. Traditionally, as with Mothering Sunday, Valentine's Day is set aside by television schedulers for the broadcasting of war films and sport.

  7. 17.71% of Valentine's Cards are sent by the recipient.

  8. If a butcher offers you their heart on Valentine's Day, don't accept.

  9. St Valentine is best remembered for his efforts at crime reduction in Chicago.

  10. All you need is love, but food, clothing and shelter are useful luxuries.
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