Photography Factfile

10 things you didn't know about Photography.

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Issue number 17
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  1. The earliest form of photography involved stretching out the subject flat on soft ground, then covering it with hot tar and leaving it for several millenia to develop.

  2. Early photographers were not very popular.

  3. Photos of children with 'red eye' have nothing to do with the use of a flash. It's just their evil showing through.

  4. Contrary to popular opinion, vampires do show up in photographs. They just hate the publicity.

  5. The only interesting holiday photographs are your own.

  6. Give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of cameras and eventually they'll run out of film.

  7. 17.71% of passport photographs actually look like the person.

  8. Auntie Gladys's photographs where people are missing heads, arms, &c. are not accidentally mis-aligned, she's an accomplished Surrealist.

  9. In 1922, more photographs were taken.

  10. Cover photographs for magazines are the result of several hours in makeup first. Fashion photographers are notoriously vain.
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