It's in the Stars
Your monthly astrology report

by Psychic Psue

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Issue number 17
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(Dec 22-Jan 20)
Present arguments may seem unfair, but with your abilities to use good judgement, you can overcome foolish acts of the past. Don't worry about things going wrong, they aren't all predetermined, and you can get out there and succeed.
(Jan 21-Feb 19)
Feeling foolish, don't give up. Work at your goals, and they can still be achieved, you've been sensible in the past, there's no reason why you can't still be. The stars are in your favour, you have a rock steady base on which to build your success.
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
However unlucky you may feel, you can still make the most of your situation. Matters may change from their safe state, but if you use the wise judgement that you are capable of, you can achieve anything.
(Mar 21-Apr 20)
Imprudence has brought you difficulties in the past, but things can improve. You can return to a solid foundation. If you're determined enough, or accept help from others, your fears need not materialise and you can buck fate.
(Apr 21-May 21)
Keeping your wild side in check, your common sense will help you be responsive to new ideas. You may feel like giving up, but the results of doing so will only be your own failure.
(May 22-Jun 21)
Try to overcome the niggles of everyday life, don't let any setbacks change your determination. A bit of sense will help you achieve anything you set your mind to.
(Jun 22-Jul 23)
You may feel that your life is out of control, but with a little effort, you can gain confidence and take control of it yourself. Things are more likely to settle down and you can lead the quiet life.
(Jul 24-Aug 23)
Things don't seem to have been changing to any great extent recently, but things are coming to a head. With care and a little wise judgement, you will find that you can triumph eventually.
(Aug 24-Sep 23)
Stability has been the watchword for some time now, and while there may have been little sense of achievement, taking the odd risk here and there results in beneficial developments. The best things are here to stay.
(Sep 24-Oct 23)
Don't allow personal conflicts to get in your way. Things may not seem to change, but with the aid of others your desires can be fulfilled. You can achieve anything.
(Oct 24-Nov 22)
Currently things will be going to plan, you may have given up hope for them, but things are beginning to change for the better. Use your judgement well, even if you're not backed up by those around you, and you'll be in for a good time.
(Nov 23-Dec 21)
You patience is tested to the limits, but you can keep a level head anyway and come through all the better for it. Success is there for your taking.
A selection of readers' letters. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. What I did on holiday.
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