New Year Resolutions!

Return to the front cover.
Issue number 20
Return to the front cover.
It seems appropriate at this time to give some consideration to what I intend to do with the Surrealist Worker during the next year, so here follows a list of my new year's resolutions:

I resolve to: publish each issue of the Surrealist Worker promptly on the first of each month.
I resolve to: come up with all new, fresh ideas for each issue.
I resolve to: produce each issue with no erors first time, every time.
I resolve to: include no space filling pages.
I resolve to: produce a working Advent Calendar for December, where the images don't have to be added throughout the month, and works in all time zones all the time.
I'll believe that when I see it.
I resolve to: finish pages before I run out of ideas.

The Return of Interactive Panto Time. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. A monthly insight into the lives of insects.
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