The Art of being the Queen
Some simple rules of thumb (and people). |
 Issue number 26 |
Do you want to be the Queen? Have you got what it takes to become the ruler of a nation? |
- Be female. (We're not talking about that type of queen dearie!)
- Have your Great Grandfather/mother marry the monarch of a country.
- Have your distant ancestors declare war against a country, and WIN.
- When out driving, make sure that someone else does the actual driving while you sit in the back and wave nonchalantly at anyone you pass.
- Print lots of small pieces of paper with your photo and some numbers on and claim to shopkeepers that they are actually worth something.
- When it comes to your turn to pay for something, never have any money on you.
- Hire lots of bodyguards and make them wear ludicrous costumes.
- Invite lots of Japanese tourists to take photos of you and your home.
One feels that one should send any comments to
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