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Issue number 28
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Nancy Toribio writes:

Your experiment was wonderful.

I'm certainly glad that you addressed the environmental wacko-s and didn't waste that hot water! Now if we could get them to stop wasting Hot Air!! LOL

Aloha, Nancy Toribio

Hilo (Big Island) Hawaii

Nancy K. Toribio

SW responds:

Oh frabjous day! A genuine letter!!

Thank-you for your sentiments. My entire flat being knocked down was a little of an exaggeration, it was just the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, so all I did was hitchhike through the upstairs flat. I'm please to say I'm now back in my flat, and that now the upstairs flat has a cellar, and the downstairs flat, an loft.

As for the "Postbag", that's what makes the SW surreal! The title actually came about through my intention to sell copies of the SW (on paper of course) outside the Manchester Polytechnic Students Union building, in competition with the Socialist Worker sellers. Oh how radical a student I was then. (I never actually got round to publishing a paper version though.)

Ask OGS seems to have got lost down the back of the sofa, or is on an intergalactic cruise in his office, I forget which.

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