
"Why haven't there been any new issues of the Surrealist Worker recently?" I'm often asked. Well, sometimes, anyway. There are three basic reasons for the delay since the last issue:

Having recently bought my own home, I've got lots of DIY jobs that need doing on it, not to mention the garden, and so I've had little free time to spend on other matters that hasn't been spent on avoiding working on my house. Avoiding writing anything for the Surrealist Worker has had to take a back seat.

In the time since the last issue, I've been learning how to use cascading style sheets (CSS) - a web technology which you don't need to know anything about. It has taken me a lot of effort to convert most of the SW pages to using CSS, and the best part of this is that you should hardly notice the difference! The biggest obvious change is the slight tweak to the navigation options at the bottom of the pages, and that could have been achieved through normal HTML. Hopefully though, the pages should be slightly faster to load, and are certainly easier to write for new issues (but don't get your hopes up!) Since this is my first major use of CSS, I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has problems viewing the site. It really shouldn't look much different from previous issues.

Finally, the biggest reason for the delay, and most difficult to overcome, has been writer's block. I'm just running out of ideas for this rubbish. The first few issues were entirely made up of ideas I'd accumulated over a period of about 10 years, then I managed to scrape some more ideas into publishable form for later issues, but I'm running dry. If anyone has any ideas for articles (they don't have to be fully written pages) the please feel free to send them to me. I'll even keep your name out of the credits if you like!

Send your ideas to

One page I am proud to announce is the new, improved horoscopes page. It only took about a year to write, but it is finally ready to unleash on an unsuspecting public.

Until next time,


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