A message from the Editor
Welcome to Issue 30, and you are welcome to it!
You should find that this issue is something of a return to the good old days when there was more than just one page of 'fresh' content per issue. Don't get your hopes up for a return to the monthly schedule though, it's taken far more than a month of avoiding writing to get this issue out. I do intend to produce further issues, I just don't know when. The best way to stay informed of future developments is to join the mailing list:
The best way, as ever, to ensure a speedy follow-up issue is to submit your own ideas for content (see link below.) You could see your name in print! (Well, OK, maybe no one else would see it, but it would still be there.)
Send your ideas to .
I'll (again) be attempting to improve my photography site soon (www.bottompineapple.co.uk), trying to get it to work better, so that'll take more time out from avoiding writing this rubbish. With any luck though, I'll have another issue out this year. I'd not like to leave it another 3 years before the next issue. If nothing else, I'm paying out hard earned† cash for the hosting of the site.
Until next time,
† - 'Earned' is used in it's loosest sense.
Send in your comments, suggestions or article ideas to .