Glass Factfile

10 amazing "facts" about Glass.

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Issue number 11
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  1. The phrase "bottle and glass" is cockney rhyming slang for grass.

  2. The infamous window tax was introduced as a means of overcoming the shortage of putty.

  3. The largest manufacturers of glass in the world are based in St Helens, England. Their doctor however has insisted that they go on a diet.

  4. Glass was discovered by the Romans during one of their invasions. The locals had tried to protect themselves by blocking their windows with sand, but the Romans just burnt their houses down.

  5. Glass is not in fact transparent in it's natural form. We just stretch it until it is thin enough to let light through.

  6. More accidents are annually caused by broken, rather than unbroken, glass.

  7. 17.71% of glass contains no animal protein.

  8. In many areas, pub landlords won't allow beer glasses to be taken outside, but still refuse to sell beer by the bucket.

  9. Glass blowers have more than one patron saint, however they are all called St Helen.

  10. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. They should also invest in some thick curtains.
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