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Issue number 14
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Xtian ( writes:


I was wondering what your contributions criteria was, and just how the heck do I get to post replies to the poems? (Couldn't do it, it kept asking me to log-on as a member...)

SW responds:

There are three criteria that any submissions have to meet:

  1. I have to find it funny/interesting/confusing, or at least can see why others would.
  2. I mustn't be embarrassing for parents to read.
  3. You must at least convince me that I won't get sued, for copyright infringement, defamation or anything else!
    Anything you want to submit, you can either use the mailto links on the pages, or just mail to me directly at

The poetry pages should accept postings from non-members. If you click on 'New Topic' or 'Add reply', you should be able to post without joining the board server. You can specify a pen name for the posting to appear to be from in the 'User name' box, but just leave blank the password box.

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Please state if you want your address included to allow direct feedback. We reserve the right to amend/edit/re-write/write in the first place letters submitted.