It's in the Stars
Your monthly astrology report

by Psychic Psue

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Issue number 9
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Sidekick Mic is unavailable due to unforseen circumstances,
so Psychic Psue has dusted off her ball again.
(Dec 22-Jan 20)
Overcome the immediate obstacles in the path of your plans or you are likely to fail at them. A recent lack of judgement may have made you look a little foolish, and may lead to a major change to come. If you control your inner demons, your life should settle. Things seem oddly familiar.
(Jan 21-Feb 19)
The recent festivities have you in their hold, but keep your head or the results of the office party could get out of hand. Keep calm when others are annoying you or you could turn into a monster. Something rings a bell for you.
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
Lack of confidence will hold you back. Nothing changes without struggling against the past battles. Your impatience in public arenas must be tempered with courage for you to develop. Old memories come back to haunt you.
(Mar 21-Apr 20)
While you may feel that you've accomplished all you can, there's still more out there. Patience with your progress will see you through. Let your hope match your skills and don't just trust to luck and you will find yourself pushing forwards. Past events are brought back to mind.
(Apr 21-May 21)
The spirit of fair play will be impeded if you are hasty with accusations. Past relationships may come to an end, but all is for the best. A little wisdom through changing times will be necessary. Don't believe everything you hear, however happy you feel. The cycles of time have run full circle.
(May 22-Jun 21)
Success is only held back by indecision. Change may have hampered previous hopes, but hold out. Be fair through changes and don't let initial problems make you give up. A sense of deja-vu comes to the fore.
(Jun 22-Jul 23)
A period of quiet may be wise, but when did that ever stop you? Difficulties may have held you back recently, but you can be happy if you don't rely on good fortune to bring it. Change is coming, and it is up to you to define it. You are reminded of good times long ago.
(Jul 24-Aug 23)
Getting out and about to achieve what you want is important this month. The whims of fate should send you out there with a greater understanding. Go out and whatever problems there may be, the future is assured. History repeats every so often.
(Aug 24-Sep 23)
Not giving up through recent difficulties should help bring a little beauty into life now. Lack of confidence and indecision must be overcome in order to make a change. Anything can be achieved however bad you feel inside. The events of the past can be a godsend.
(Sep 24-Oct 23)
Lack of hope of anything changing could lead to foolish extravagance. Use wise judgement and you can develop past the unexpected. Not giving up in the quiet times will enable you to achieve anything you want. Strangely all this seems familiar.
(Oct 24-Nov 22)
Seize the day no matter what you feel restricts you. Past setbacks may still have power over you if you let them, but you will progress through strength to achieve whatever fate has in store. Nothing ever seems to change all that much.
(Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sit back and nothing will change. What you have given up in the past to try and bring yourself further happiness hasn't brough all it could have. The kindness of others will allow you hope for a better future, but you must work at it yourself too. You may feel you're covering the same old ground.
Unintentional news stories. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. It's behind you!.
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