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Issue number 23
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Mrs Gladys ffnar-ffnar writes:

Dear Postbag,

What a wonderful publication you produce all the time, though I have to say you don't seem to be as funny as you used to be.

SW responds:

I'm afraid you seem to be confusing us with the magazine 'Punch' which is indeed not as funny as it used to be. The Surrealist Worker is proud to state that it is still as funny as it has always been, it's just never been all that funny.

Mrs Gladys ffnar-ffnar writes:

Dear Postbag,

Is it just me, or do I seem to be some sort of cheap rip-off from the wonderful BBC program "I'm sorry I Haven't a Clue"?

SW responds:

You're right there, I think you'll find you're merely a space filler to make up for the fact that I've no letters to publish this month.

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