It's in the Stars
Your monthly astrology report

by Psychic Psue

Return to the front cover.
Issue number 23
Return to the front cover.
The new all singing, all dancing Horoscope page is still not
ready so Psychic Psue has dusted off her ball again.
(Dec 22-Jan 20)
Feelings of disillusionment come to the fore in the coming month.
(Jan 21-Feb 19)
A large disappointment is in store for you this month.
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
You will feel cheated out of something this month.
(Mar 21-Apr 20)
A certain level of dissatisfaction will arise.
(Apr 21-May 21)
You won't be able to help feeling a little disheartened by something.
(May 22-Jun 21)
Your expectations will be sadly unfulfilled.
(Jun 22-Jul 23)
Your initial excitement will give way to feelings of deflation.
(Jul 24-Aug 23)
Not all that you could have expected to come to pass will actually happen.
(Aug 24-Sep 23)
Another month of unfulfilled promise awaits.
(Sep 24-Oct 23)
Don't expect too much from areas of your life that really aren't that likely to come up.
(Oct 24-Nov 22)
Things seem so disappointing that you just feel like giving up.
(Nov 23-Dec 21)
You seem to be getting a lot less than you expect, and you feel you could do better yourself.
Unintentional news stories. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. The Anti-Social Society don't want you.
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