It's in the Stars
Your monthly astrology report

by Psychic Psue

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Issue number 26
Return to the front cover.
(Dec 22-Jan 20)
An old acquaintance you've not seen for some time will turn up out of the blue.
(Jan 21-Feb 19)
Unexpected events will take you by surprise.
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
Just when you were getting used to things always being the same, things suddenly change.
(Mar 21-Apr 20)
Gone are the days of empty space, you will find new things to occupy your time.
(Apr 21-May 21)
If not for yourself, then for the others around you, you will find a wealth of new things to occupy your mind.
(May 22-Jun 21)
Settled as you may be, a long journey will bring new horizons.
(Jun 22-Jul 23)
This really is a load of nonsense you know. I don't know why I write it, or who actually reads it. Oooh look - kittens!
(Jul 24-Aug 23)
Long established plans for this month end up being scrapped through no fault of your own.
(Aug 24-Sep 23)
A long period of inactivity might be finally coming to an end, with expensive results. Or then again, it might not.
(Sep 24-Oct 23)
Be prepared for major changes to your life. By the end of the month, much of your life will have changed. Possibly.
(Oct 24-Nov 22)
Not for you the old drudgery of stale waters. New worlds await your attention.
(Nov 23-Dec 21)
While things may look like they are new and fresh, closer inspection will find that they have just returned to the same old tired format.
A selection of the letters we've received since last time. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. Wot I did wen I wozznt riting the Surreelist Worker.
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