The Art of Jack-o'-lantern Carving

How to get the most out of your Halloween horrors.

Issue number 27
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Fed up with people laughing at your attempts to scare them on Halloween night? Then what you need is a properly carved Jack-o'-lantern. Just follow the simple steps below and you can't go wrong!
  • Select your vegetable carefully. Traditionally a pumpkin, or large turnip is used. Other vegetables may be fine as substitutes (e.g. a swede) but others are less suitable (e.g. a sprout).
  • Use a sharp knife to carve out your vegetable. A sponge, while much safer, is less likely to achieve your desired result.
  • Carve a frightening face into the front. Smiley faces or bunny rabbits may look cute, but do not tend to instill a feeling of fear or dread into the viewer.
  • A candle placed in the hollowed out centre of the vegetable will be more effective in giving an eerie edge to your lantern than a 60 watt lamp (unless you intend plugging your turnip into the mains.)
  • Place your lantern where people can see it (e.g. front porch, front room window). It won't scare many people if you leave it in the attic (unless the candle sets fire to any of the junk you have stored up there. In that case, it will probably scare many people, not least the house owner.)
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