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Issue number 6

Installed: 01-10-2000

The Art of Meteorology

A step by step guide to simple weather forecasting.


With spring or autumn just with us (depending on your hemispherical proclivities) we can no longer rely on consistently hot/cold weather. It is to help everyone cope with the changes in the elements that we are proud to present the following simple to use table.

In order to use the table, first you will have to look outside your home, then compare what you see with the left hand column. The right hand column will then tell you what weather to expect.

Conditions outsideWeather to expect
Bright sunshine, few if any clouds.Warm sunny weather. Dress lightly.
Dull sunshine, cloud cover overhead.Cloudy weather. May be cool so a jumper may be needed.
Damp ground, sizeable droplets of water in the air.Expect rain. It will be best to wear a waterproof.
Layer of water on the ground, large numbers of droplets of water in the air.Heavy rain. If water comes in through your door when you open it, you might need to wear a canoe.
Minute droplets of water in the air.Depending on concentration per volume of air, either mist (wear a coat) or fog (doesn't matter what you wear, no one will be able to see you).
The ground is covered with a white powdery substance.Test to feel the temperature of the powdery substance. If it is cold, then expect snow and dress warmly. If it is warm, then you probably just live on a beach with beautiful white sand, and warm, sunny weather is more likely.
The ground is covered with small white spheres.As above, if cold then expect hail. If not then it's probably just a white shingle beach.
Small objects pass across your door suspended in mid air (leaves, paper, not birds or bats).Wind is to be expected. Wrap up well.
Large objects pass across your door suspended in mid air (trees, houses, not aircraft).Strong wind is to be expected. Wrap up very well.


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If your conditions do not match any of the above specifications, please e-mail them to .