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Issue number 6

Installed: 01-10-2000


A selection of this month's letter.

Drop me a line.

PRD writes:

Dear OGS,

Why can't I find a website anywhere dedicated to milk which isn't educational? When I read about my favourite subjects, I want to be ENTERTAINED. I don't want to know which end of the cow it comes from, I'm not fascinated by the milk transportation process, (something to do with big tubes around the country is my guess), I just want to read fun facts, strange theories and short stories on the the subject of milk.

SW responds:

In a bid to annoy you further, this month's Factfile is dedicated to MILK. I hope this additional source of information goes some way towards keeping you off the internet and getting down to writing your book.

Drop me a line.

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Drop me a line.

Well come on now! I've had to resort to stealing using letters I've received from another mailing list this month. Get writing!

Send your letters to . Please state if you want your address included to allow direct feedback. We reserve the right to amend/edit/re-write/write in the first place letters submitted on the grounds of this is our magazine, 'right. What're you gonna do about it, eh?