The (Unofficial)
Turnip Prize

Return to the front cover.
Please note that this competition is not (currently) connected to the Wedmore Turnip Prize previously awarded. See Return to the front cover.
The voting is now open for the first Surrealist Worker Turnip Prize.
Please read the instructions at the bottom of the page before voting.
A thousand cargo ships, by Kev Cherubini. Media: poetry. Square Clouds, by Moo. Media: HTML; image manipulation. Art, by Kev Cherubini. Media: Stuffed toy; sellotape; partition wall.
Pink-Puke, by Dave Jordan. Media: Photography; image manipulation. The Bayer Tap History, by Cath Reynolds. Media: Image manipulation. Bike, by Dave Jordan. Media: Photography; image manipulation.

To make the awarding of the Turnip Prize as fair as possible, you, the readers can vote for the best entry.
View the art by clicking on the thumbnails above (best viewed full screen - press F11 in IE or Opera). You can cycle through all the entries using the arrows at the bottom of the pages (click on the images in 'Square Clouds').
Vote either using the link under the thumbnail (in the above table) of the entry you are voting for, which will create an email vote, or go to the polls section of the yahooGroups mailing list (or write your own email).

  • One vote per person. If there is evidence of multiple voting, or any other attempt to fraudulently fix the voting, the votes in question will be discounted.
  • Requesting family and friends to vote is acceptable providing they actually view the entries and make an unbiased judgement.
  • Voting ends at midnight (GMT) on 28th February 2002.
  • The right is retained to extend the voting period should it be deemed that insufficient votes have been cast to fairly decide the competition.
  • The right is reserved to abandon the voting process if it is deemed, by the editor, not to be working.
  • The editor's decision is final.
  • The editor is biased, so you'd better make sure the voting process works.
Read previous issues. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. Let your subconscious do the work in the random poetry challenge.
Send in any comments or suggestions to .