
Return to the front cover.
Issue number 11
Return to the front cover.
Miss Ria d'Zjaijest writes:


You too may have won ONE MILLION POUNDS!

SW responds:

So I might, but I didn't do did I? I'm sure that the Post Office (or whatever they want to be called) must love you if you send similar messages out to everyone who has had the opportunity to win such amounts. With national lotteries, there must be thousands of such people out there.

Mr F. Kev writes:


I just have to say thank you so much! Previously my partner has been so disapponted by my choices for Valentine's Day gifts, but your suggestion of underwear from Archie McPhee proved the ideal solution. Never before have I had so much fun in my partner's underwear.

SW responds:

Pleased to be of service.

A selection of unintentional news stories. Return to the top of the page. Return to the front cover. What the stars have in store for you in the month ahead.
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